People As A Service

IT Personnel Management

We Help Our Clients To Find The Best Talent, To Reach Their Goals And Fulfill Their

Needs For Growth And Solve Business Challenges.

Caixa affairs provides talent with technical, administrative and project management skills with the ability to develop solutions that meet the technological and business needs of its customers.
Since 1996 Caixa affairs has integrated IT professionals in several large and medium size companies for the following specializations:

We implement a management and motivation model towards integrated human resources, which when applied by our Operational Managers is manifested in the fulfillment of the objectives and goals established by our clients.

Establishing a direct attention link to all levels of client project execution, in order to respond efficiently to any requirement through:
Through a multidisciplinary team we look for the best candidates to fill any position within an organization, with the advantage of being specialized in some area of IT.
We recruit the best candidates to add value to the business of our clients and attract visionary professionals who face challenges and seek solutions with a comprehensive concept of productivity and development.


When a company hires Staffing, it becomes more flexible, more dynamic and has a greater capacity to adapt to changing situations, taking advantage of the opportunities that arise.



We offer the possibility of transforming fixed costs in variable costs, “as” or “since”, when resorting to a specialist to perform a specific job, the company will only incur expenses, at the time it needs the service.


Variable Costs

By hiring a company specialized in IT, it is updated and has the latest technology.


Access to New Technologies

With this, the company will focus on its main activity and thus pay more attention to its own business.


Concentration of Objectives

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